3 From Hell Movie Review

The long awaited, much requested sequel to Rob Zombie's most acclaimed film The Devil's Rejects, 3 From Hell.. well.. it came out? Really didn't have the impact that The Devil's Rejects did. There are reasons for that, though a lot of those reasons couldn't be helped. Nevertheless exactly how did the (blog post) movie hold up on it's own merits?S

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Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday Movie Review

After Jason Takes Manhattan was a box office embarrassment for Paramount, it was decided they should sell off the Friday the 13th franchise to whoever is willing to pay. Turns out New Line Cinema was first in line to pick it up, and the best way they could think to show the world how much they respected the franchise was horror movie to kill Jaso

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Live & Wired Ep 112: Such Sights to Show

With a new Hellraiser around the corner, and yet again a new Pinhead, we get the first portrayal of the (blog post) popular character as ...Source: (blog post) Live & Wired Ep 112: Such Sights to Show - action movies Decker Shado More Videos

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